Saturday, January 14, 2012

Getting Fit and Staying Fit

No more excuses! After yesterdays run, I realized that I have lost most of my running base which ultimately means my aerobic capacity. I have been doing other fitness exercises, but not enough aerobic exercise to stay in prime running form. Although the other fitness exercises help in cross training muscles and is definitely a good thing, I was not engaging in enough aerobic exercises to keep up my target heart rate. After about 3 miles into the run I was looking for the coffee shop and hoping to stop there before completing our 5 mile run. So glad my tried and true running buddy was game for a quick java break, she wasn't panting at all but could probably recognize my struggles.
No matter what your mileage or exercise goals are you should be able to identify aerobic fitness by being able to keep a comfortable pace and still be able to talk. Although it was a great run, I realize by running very little the last month it has seriously affected my goal which is to keep a base of being able to run a half marathon at any time. Unfortunately it is time to start over. All those hard earned miles just gone by not staying devoted. I know that women start to lose muscle mass and aerobic fitness after one week, men by comparison take about two weeks to feel the effects and loss of fitness. The reason being is that we have less muscle mass to begin with, so we lose it much quicker.
Analyzing what I did differently, it all boiled down to accountability. I started to ignore tracking my progress. Many people that find the most success at monitoring their diet or their exercise regime when they journal their daily habits. There are many online sources to journal accountability if you want to share this with others. If you do better with a private journal you may find it fun to put it on a spread sheet at home, or in a pretty book. For me, I do best with an online source. I am sure no one really cares what I have done, but I know that if someone sees what I haven't done, guilt sets in. For whatever reason, this works for me. The online running source that I use is  You will see me on there again! Find what works best for you to stay motivated. Good luck with getting fit and staying fit!

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