Months- 6 Half Marathons, and one of my many running goals will be
completed this weekend. I have had some great runs, some not so great
runs and this time I am devoting each and every mile to some very
special people:
Mile 1 ~ My husband Mike for supporting me
from the very first moment that I told him I wanted to begin training
for marathons and half marathons. ♥ He also is the #1 person that has to put up with me. He deserves a gold star!
Mile 2 ~ To my second born child, Soren, my little angel in heaven who carries me each and every step every single day.
Mile 3 ~ To Elsa my beautiful daughter who has more spirit and heart than any person I know. (my 3rd born child)
Mile 4 ~ To Krista my dear sister who has taught me more about what it takes to be a great
person and through devotion and perseverance you can do most anything.
Mile 4 always my hump mile before the endorphins kick in.
Mile 5 ~
to my Mom who has been the rock for our family of 5! Need I say more? When you become a mother you understand what the
word Mom means....unconditional love, support, and devotion to your children their entire lives. LOVE ♥ MY MOM!
Mile 6 ~ To my handsome son Anders
(my 1st born! Mile - 6 and 16 happen to be my lucky numbers, and ironically
his birthday) who probably thinks all my running is dumb, but quietly
might think it is sort of cool. He has no idea how he makes me proud
every single day.
Mile 7 ~ to Krysten
my darling step daughter who shares many of the same dreams and desires
that I did at her age. She's lucky 7 because she is able to go out and
live the dream! An inspiration to me that it's never too late to dream.
Mile 8 ~ Aunt Carmen suffering from Alzheimer's who doesn't remember me
or any of the people that love her. Yet, she shows love for everyone
she meets. She inspires me when I see her, that in the end all we have to
give one another is love!
Mile 9 ~ to Cathy
my inspirational running buddy. I know at this mile I will be wishing
the finish line was near and I know you will still be going strong. You
always help motivate me and will push me to the end. Your friendship is
Mile 10 ~ to me and all my running buddies that understand what it feels like to want to throw up, give up, or lay down and cry like I did at the Bellingham Bay Half Marathon...."this is the in your face mile", I'm not crying this time :-)
Mile 11 ~ Grandpa Axel who inspired me more than anyone on the
face of this earth. He would appreciate mile 11 and would see it as
holding two aces :-)
Mile 12 ~ Tory for feeding me the koolaid! You are a true inspiration and a great friend. Good luck at Nike!
Mile 13.1 ~ to Jeanne Martin ( Tracy's Mother) who just lost her battle to cancer but fought the most
courageous battle that I have ever seen. She carried herself with more
beauty, happiness, respect and dignity than I have ever seen. In her
honor I will run my last 1.1 mile in memory of her and know that my 13.1
miles journey will have paled in comparison to her courage. Through
this I know I will find my final strength to cross the finish line!
Oktoberfest Half Marathon ~ Cathy and I after the race ~ A great run, because each mile gave me a new positive mental focus! |
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