Friday, November 11, 2011

Nutrition for Teenagers

Ever notice that your teenage kids are almost unbearable to speak to after school? I used to think they had sprouted three heads during the school day, and attributed their cranky behavior to hormones and being tired from all their hard work at school. I knew I didn't want to talk to them until they had eaten something which is exactly what the problem was, they needed food. The truth was, they were tired from low blood sugar and their energy was zapped. Hypoglycemic behavior is not fun to be around and schools could benefit with better learning behaviors if they would encourage healthy snacking throughout the day. Remember the good old days in elementary school when there would be snack time. This is just as important if not more-so for growing teenage bodies.
Sneak a snack in your teenagers back pack each and every day.
Fruit, Pretzels, Nuts or Trail Mix, Granola Bars, Juice, Fig Newtons, Ginger Snaps, Chocolate or Yogurt Covered Raisins, Crackers with Peanut Butter, and they should always carry Water.

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